
Birkitt Dr. James Birkitt is a retired Baptist Minister who has served churches in South Carolina and Virginia. He has also owned and operated three Christian Radio Stations. Dr. Birkitt was heard on the radio for 30 years, ten of which were world-wide from HCJB short wave in Quito, Ecuador.

Dr. Birkitt received his BA from what is now Columbia International University and his MA from Presbyterian School Of Christian Education. He did post graduate studies at New York University as well as Hebrew Union College of Biblical and Archaeology studies in Jerusalem. He received his Doctorate in Bible from the Southern Baptist School of Biblical Education where his thesis was on Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage and the Family.

Dr. Birkitt is an experienced conference speaker. At a convention in Haiti where 80 evangelical Baptist churches and over 5,000 people were in attendance, Dr. Birkitt was the main speaker on the subject of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. He was also a featured speaker at both the First and Second International Marriages for Life Conferences.

Dr. Birkitt is the author of 30 books, including What the Bible Teaches about Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and the Family.

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Gorrie Dr. Mike Gorrie and his wife, Marion, natives of South Africa, have lived in New Zealand since 1995. Mike has spent a life-time counseling hurting people. For a number of years he was the counseling manager of Cornerstone Christian Counseling in New Zealand.

Dr. Gorrie's unique character reflects a spirit of drive and enthusiasm that recognizes no frontiers. Although he often laces his messages with humor, it is right to say that he stands for holiness and purity without compromise, and this comes through in all his teachings.

Dr. Gorrie is a graduate of Bethany Theological Seminary in Dothan, Alabama, U.S.A. and holds the Bachelor of Theology and Doctor of Divinity degrees. With earned theological credits in Pre-Marital Counseling, Understanding People and Pastoral Counseling, coupled with his gifted ability to be able to speak right into men and women's hearts, Dr. Gorrie has been a repeat guest for Promise Keepers, Full Gospel Business Men, as well as national and international marriage conferences.

For further information on this ministry, visit www.highcallingnz.com.

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McMahon Pastor Raymond McMahon has been involved in both education and ministry for almost thirty years. He is the pastor of Praise, Power, and Prayer Temple in Windsor, Connecticut where he also serves as principal of Praise, Power, and Prayer Christian School and teaches grades 7 through 12.

Pastor McMahon is the host of "Jesus Is Our Shepherd," a weekly radio program heard in twenty-two cities across the United States. God has blessed Pastor McMahon with a passion for the covenant of marriage, and he has been ministering on the topic for twenty years, both in private counseling and on the radio. The Unbreakable Covenant of Marriage is his first book.

An accomplished musician, he and his family enjoy praising the Lord together and they have ministered in song at many area churches and Christian organizations. Pastor Ray and wife Sally have been married for thirty-one years. They have ten children and two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.

For more information on this couple's ministry, visit www.praisepowerprayertemplect.org.

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Webb Dr. Joseph Webb is an ordained minister with over fifty years experience as an evangelist, counselor and pastor-teacher. He continues to preach and teach seminars across the United States by invitation and around the World through his media outlet emphasizing the establishment and restoration of Biblical families.

Dr. Webb has developed an extensive media library of teachings on subjects relating to our personal relationship with God, marriage, family, and church issues. His fifty years of ministry has given him a broad range of experience and exposure which benefit audiences of various denominations. His heartbeat is tuned to the local church and he desires to see the light of its testimony grow stronger through strong Biblical families.

Patricia, his wife, has been a homemaker and business executive while serving within the local church. She has played an active role in teaching, organizing, and hospitality while providing a support to her husband. Patricia has also served on the president's council for the local jail ministry in an advisory capacity and in assisting with fundraising among other duties. She especially enjoys her close relationship with her children and grandchildren.

For further information on this couple and their ministry, visit www.cpr-ministries.org.

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Whitaker Min. Casey Whitaker has been a minister for over 16 years and is the Lead Minister of Transformation Christian Church near Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a steadfast proponent of marriage for life with a true calling to reach out and touch hurting marriages. He has seen marriages strengthened and restored by using the simple method that Jesus, the Apostles, and the early Christian Church leaders taught.

He is the author of Have You Not Read, an excellent book on marriage, divorce, and remarriage, covering such topics as what the early Christians said about marriage, why God is serious about marriage, compassion, church discipline, and others. Casey is extremely passionate about teaching and pursuing the need for holiness that is lacking in many areas of the professing church.

Have You Not Read can be purchased from FaithView Books of 4941 Tr 616, Fredericksburg, Ohio, or by phone at 330-674-0684. The book is also available online at www.wisereaction.org and at www.marriagedivorce.com.

Casey lives with his wonderful helper wife Sarah and is blessed to have two daughters, ages seven and two.

For more information on Casey Whitaker's ministry, visit www.transformationchristianchurch.com.

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wilcox Rev. Stephen W. Wilcox, of New Brunswick, Canada, is an ordained minister and coordinator of the Hosea Project. He has a burden for those caught in the web of confusion and deceit caused by sin that is upheld by false doctrine and wayward theology. His efforts are primarily focused on restoring broken families by supporting and encouraging those who stand in the gap for loved ones.

Rev. Wilcox is the author of Restoration of Christian Marriage, a plea for repentance and reformation. In association with dedicated volunteer assistants, he manages Theological Foundations Ministries (TFM) which operates several busy Christian outreach websites such as www.marriagedivorce.com and www.hoseaproject.com.

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"Presenting Biblical Truths able to Heal our Land of the Divorce Epidemic"

October 22-24, 2010

Hosted by
Praise, Power, and Prayer Temple

Windsor, Connecticut

Register Now!